Have you or someone you love been injured in a truck accident that was not your fault?

The Arnold Law Firm’s truck accident lawyers strongly believe that a negligent trucking company and the drivers under its employ should be held responsible for their actions. Our personal injury attorneys have obtained more than $250,000,000 in compensation and provide our clients with more than 190 years of combined legal experience. There are no upfront costs when we handle your claim, and we only get paid when we obtain a recovery or settlement for your case.


clayeo arnoldTruck accidents are often fatal or result in devastating injuries. The complex elements and multiple parties often involved in truck accidents can complicate the aftermath of an accident and will require an attorney who has experience in handling these types of cases.

With more than 190 years of combined legal experience, our team of highly qualified attorneys can provide you with the professional quality and commitment needed for success in a truck accident claim.

Our attorneys have recovered millions in verdicts and settlements, including more than $11 million in truck accident claims, such as:

  • $10.2 million truck vs. motorcycle collision
  • $1 million truck vs. motorcycle collision

For more than 40 years, our firm has helped accident victims throughout Sacramento get the compensation they deserve.

Our founder and president, Clayeo C. Arnold, has practiced personal injury law in California since 1980 and has been admitted to practice law in the highest legal institutions in the nation, including the California Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Mr. Arnold is a member of prestigious legal organizations such as The Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an organization consisting of attorneys who have recovered million and multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements. He is also a past president of the Capitol City Trial Lawyers Association and served on its board of directors for more than 20 years.

The Arnold Law Firm’s main goal is to ensure that all of our clients have an equal chance at receiving the fairest outcome in their claim. We want our clients to be able to focus on recovering after a serious accident and will do all that is necessary to make any legal procedures as easy as possible.

We accomplish this by:

  • Directly handling and negotiating with all insurance companies, trucking companies and attorneys representing the defendant.
  • Conducting an independent investigation into your accident.
  • Interviewing witnesses and those with any knowledge of the accident.
  • Consulting with a professional accident reconstructionist that can re-create the truck accident.
  • Examining any accident reports collected by police or insurance investigators.
  • Researching the history of the trucking company or driver involved in the accident for any past similar claims or infractions of commercial transportation laws.

Our office is conveniently located within five miles of the Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento, and our reputable Sacramento truck accident attorneys are always ready to provide accident victims with quality legal services that may provide you or your loved one with peace of mind.

Fill out a Free Case Review form to get started today.


While every case is different, in most instances when filing a compensation claim, the plaintiff needs to prove that:

  • The driver’s actions failed to uphold a standard that a reasonable person would have used
  • The at-fault driver was responsible for causing the accident
  • The accident was the cause of his or her injuries
  • He or she suffered physical or economic damages due to the accident

The Sacramento truck accident lawyers at the Arnold Law Firm have a comprehensive knowledge of the vehicle accident and commercial transportation laws in California and can explain your legal options.

It is important that you act fast and file a claim as soon as possible after being in a truck accident, as California allows a two-year limit for accident victims to pursue damages through a lawsuit. If you wait after until after this time-frame, you will not be able to receive compensation.

To find out if you have grounds to file a truck accident claim, call (916) 777-7777.


An accident with a large vehicle can cause devastating and potentially deadly injuries. The stakes are often much higher in a truck accident case than other types of traffic collisions, making personal injury or wrongful death cases more complicated.

Recovering damages in a truck accident involves navigating a complex structure of federal and state laws and regulations.

It may also require facing a team of attorneys and insurance investigators who represent the truck driver, trucking company and their insurance provider and are experienced in truck-related accident claims.

With that in mind, it is important that injury victims have their own team of experienced truck accident lawyers to help fight back and pursue all possible avenues of compensation. The Sacramento truck accident lawyers at the Arnold Law Firm will apply our decades of experience and skill to your injury lawsuit.

Among other inquiries, our attorneys will help to determine:

Once we determine who is at fault, you may be entitled to receive damages for your losses, which can include:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Past and future lost wages
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Material damages caused by the accident
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium for spouses
  • Property damage to your vehicle
  • Diminished capacity to work

California awards damages for personal injury and accident cases based on “shared fault,” or “pure comparative negligence.” This means that the amount of compensation a plaintiff can receive might be affected if he or she is also partially responsible for causing the accident.

For example, if a victim has filed a claim for $10,000 and a court finds that he or she is 20 percent responsible for causing the accident, the maximum compensation the victim could receive is $8,000.

Our truck accident attorneys have experience handling numerous accident claims and can provide you with an accurate estimate of what your claim is worth through a free, no obligation consultation.

Call (916) 777-7777 to schedule a free review of your claim with an attorney.


white truckCommercial vehicle accidents can have many causes, most of which can have serious consequences for all parties involved. Some of these include:

  • Truck driver error: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has found through recent studies that drivers of large trucks are 10 times more likely to be the cause of trucking accidents than other factors such as weather and road conditions. In many cases, unreasonable expectations from trucking companies and the incentive to deliver loads quickly are key factors in accidents involving driver negligence.
  • Impairment: Unfortunately, alcohol is not the only way a truck driver can be impaired while on the road. Over-the-counter drugs and prescription medications are one of the main causes of impairment among truck drivers. These are often used in excess to try and keep drivers awake during their long driving shifts. In fact, a federal study of large truck crashes over a three-year period suggested alcohol, prescription medications and over-the-counter medicine may have contributed to as many as 29,000 large vehicle accidents.
  • Poorly maintained or faulty equipment: By law, trucks must be inspected regularly and maintained constantly. Issues such as faulty brakes, an unbalanced load or a defect in the steering mechanism can lead to serious accidents. According to the same federal study, brake and tire problems were involved in as many as 49,000 commercial vehicle accidents.
  • Speeding: Excessive speed is often a major contributing factor to serious truck accidents. Due to the inherent handling and braking limitations of most trucks, drivers simply do not have the time to react to sudden changes in their driving environment if they are driving too fast for the conditions.
  • Fatigue: Many truck drivers spend long periods of time behind the wheel while trying to make cargo and passenger delivery deadlines. In order to keep to strict delivery schedules, they often need to stay awake and focused on driving for many continuous hours without sleep. This can have a serious impact on the reaction times of most drivers.
  • Driver Distractions: Adjusting a radio, talking on a cellphone, sending a text message, looking at scenery while driving and other related incidents can take a driver’s attention away from driving just long enough for a driver to lose control of his or her vehicle, especially in bad weather conditions or other hazardous environments.

Truck accidents can often result from several acts of neglect. Victims who are unfamiliar with the commercial transportation industry are unaware of the multi-level process involved in a long-distance truck delivery.

That is why an experienced and well-informed Sacramento truck accident lawyer will work to identify the cause and party that was responsible for your accident.

Call (916) 777-7777 to speak with one of our reputable truck accident attorneys.


truck on roadDue to the large size of most trucks, whenever they are involved in an accident, the amount of energy that is exerted at the point of impact can be enormous.

Unfortunately, many victims often do not survive the force of the impact, or if they do, they often sustain serious, life-changing injuries that not only affect themselves, but also the lives of their families and other dependents.

Some common injuries that survivors of truck accidents have been known to receive include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord damage/paralysis
  • Broken bones
  • Facial damage
  • Lacerations
  • Internal injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Rib and torso bruising
  • Mental fatigue

As with many automotive injuries, the associated medical costs can be crushing for the injury victims and those who are involved. Loss of wages, pain and suffering, and mental trauma can also contribute to the amount of losses that victims may encounter, which further exaggerates the problem.

As a law firm that focus our practice on personal injury cases, we have strong ties to Sacramento’s medical community and will be able to connect you with some of the city’s leading health practitioners.

Our office is located four miles from UC Davis Medical Center, which has a level I trauma center that has been verified by the American College of Surgeons.

If the you or your loved one’s injuries require future medical treatment and rehabilitation, our office is also located just three miles from Mercy General Hospital’s rehabilitation center, where victims of major multiple trauma are given professional help to recover from their injuries.

The injuries victims sustain from truck accidents are often serious and require years of treatment and rehabilitation. Filing a claim with our Sacramento truck accident attorneys may provide you with some financial relief for the expenses to undergo these medical procedures.

Fill out a Free Case Evaluation form to leave a detailed description of your claim.


If you or a loved one has been involved in a large truck or commercial vehicle accident, do not hesitate to explore your legal options.

At the law offices of the Arnold Law Firm, our Sacramento truck accident lawyers can help you understand your rights and will fight to get the justice you deserve. For more than four decades we have been helping Sacramento injury victims fight for your maximum compensation they deserve. Your initial claim evaluation is always free and we only charge for our legal services if we are successful in helping you obtain compensation.

To find out more about your legal options, contact us today (916) 777-7777.